

Drama Club

We've done Shakespeare:  We fear nothing!  

This page is where we'll communicate with each other about our drama ideas.  This is where we'll plan our events, and hash out our schedules, and hopefully one day get a production off the ground.  Check this page often for changes. But keep in mind, it will only change according to the feedback I get from all of you.  

Since I'm already here, I do have some questions for all my interested players.  For example:

  • Do you want to meet regularly?  Once a month for example?
  • Do you want to rehearse and perform plays in one day, such as we did for Caesar?
  • or would you rather rehearse several times and give productions for your parents/ others?
  • Do you want to get involved with making props?

Well, that's just a preliminary list of questions.  The Drama Club is for you, and therefore I want to make it as much of what you want as possible.  So, talk to your parents, and answer questions in the comments section, or send me an e-mail.  I don't bite, so don't be afraid to tell me what you think, and share you ideas.    


  1. Here are some of my suggestions:
    I do think we should meet once a month. I think we should have practices and then put on a performance for the parents and others. Finally, I think it would be a lot of fun to make our own props.
    April :)

  2. it would be cool if we could get together as much as possible but we can do what the majority wants. I would like to focus on one big performance but would be up to do a "play in a day" if it was fun. Yes, I would be willing to make props or be involved in costumes....Marissa B.
